Jenny is a Fliwirrel that makes her living as a camgirl, among many other things. She lives with Ian, her production assistant, and is best friends with Aurora.

Daisy, a Pelagice, has it rough. Her impressive size has always been a bit of a problem for her social life. She ran into Jonah in "Start With A Kiss", and unintentionally got into some kinks her physiology happen to accommodate. Former goth girl.

Jonah, a Pockoon, is a bit of a mystery! We don't know what he does for a living, or where he spends his time. He's at least friends with Jenny, and is often found spending time with Daisy, but beyond that, who can say? Possibly up to no good, but probably not?

Blake, a Cervolt, is Aurora's carefree boyfriend. In their open relationship, Aurora gets about with more lovers than he does, but he's always happy to hear about it.

Charlie, a Volkitsu, is a friend of Jenny's who occasionally guest stars in some of her films. Cheerful and sprightly, but not a ton can be said about him. We'll be seeing more of him soon, however...

Aurora, a Frozunny, has a lot going on. She's best friends with Jenny, and is currently in an open relationship with Blake. It's complicated, but it's good!

Ian, a Bugabuzz, is Jenny's very small production assistant. He also rents a room in her closet, it's a very small production! Occasionally on camera as a prop.

Alice is a Whirlott living a similar life to Jenny, and is in some senses, her rival. She would never dignify such an attack, however.

Molly, a Dynamonk, is married to Theo, and the two of them do everything together. The physical roadblocks in their relationship caused her some friction, but she was determined to make it work out.
And by the looks of things, she did!

Theo, a Flamoa, is married to Molly. In "Take A Hike", he was concerned that their disappointment in the bedroom was going to cause trouble for them, but Molly took things into her own hands, and it seems like that potential problem was taken care of. Where will life take him from here?

Joe, a Swunnel, is a simple guy who works construction. He's not the most jaw-dropping guy in town, but Alice couldn't resist putting him on the spot in Digging In.

Rachel, as a Pyrubis, always knows what you're about, even before you do! She gets a thrill out of getting people to drop the act and give into their more animal natures. A close friend of Alice.